
Current Action Items

1. Santa Cruz Mountain Stewardship Network trail survey (The Santa Cruz Mountains Stewardship Network is a region-wide and cross-sector collaboration of twenty-four organizations who are committed to practicing effective stewardship on their own lands and coordinating their efforts with other land stewards to enhance stewardship on a regional level. The SCMSN is a vehicle collaboration and coordination.)Link for Survey

2. San Lorenzo Park Redesign Meeting:
Monday Jan 8, 2023 Santa Cruz City Council Chambers 4PM
Send an email with your ideas to Parks Commissioners at:

Additional information on the resdesign can be found at
Redesign San Lorenzo Park

3. Review of Santa Cruz Wharf Master Plan
The report below was issued by the City after comments were submitted by “Don’t Morph the Wharf" and the Bird Club. Concerns about nesting Pigeon Guillemots and loss of bird access to nests were not addressed in the report below. The Wharf Master Plan and EIR are tentatively scheduled to be considered by Santa Cruz City Council on Jan 7th 2024. Meeting times and agendas will be posted in advance of the meetings on the City’s website at the following link: Meetings Calendar
Santa Cruz Wharf Master Plan and Engineering Report: Wharf Master Plan

4.Coastal Rail Trail Segments 10 & 11—This segment is between 17th and 47th Avenues. Comments on draft Environmental Impact Report until 5PM Dec15. Mail a written note to Rob Tidmore at 979 17th Ave Santa Cruz, CA 95062 or email Impact report available online at Rail Segments 10 and 11 Project LOOKING FOR A BIRD CLUB MEMBER TO CHAMPION THIS ISSUE (ie attend hearings, look for impacts on habitats and birds). Let me know if you are interested! (I don’t live in the area and will be out of town). Additional resources: Rail Segments 10 and 11 Impact Report


1. Bills to Save Birds: Audubon California's Sponsored and Priority Bills 2023 9/23
Article link

2. An Update to some of California’s Oldest Environmental Protections-Which species should be “fully protected”? 9/23
Article link

3. Working with archers to turn Rangeland into Climate-friendly Grassland Bird Habitat in California. 9/23
Article link

4. Climate Bond on 2024 Ballot—A bond for birds?
Campaign link

A Bond for Birds? Article link

Resources for Birders to Make a Difference

1.  This site is the best source for buying, sourcing and finding out more about bird friendly coffee:

2.  Print out or share digitally a four card per sheet  Bird Friendly Request Card   from Smithsonian Bird Friendly(BF) to distribute to baristas, cafes, roasters etc.

3. Bird Friendly “At a Glance” Postcard – this 4×6” postcard from Smithsonian BF can be printed or digitally distributed to share more information about Bird Friendly verification.

3. Some bird friendly coffees

Thanksgiving Coffee:
Offering a 20% discount for Santa Cruz Bird Club members(promo Code: SCBC23). They also offer 25% off first order from their web site.

Birds and Beans Coffee:
You can get 10% off at the site and an additional 5% by using the code CRUZ5 for Santa Cruz Bird Club members.

4.  Other Bird Friendly Products

Maple syrup:


Letters sent by the club on conservation issues

2nd letter draft SL Park Redesign 2nd letter about the proposed redesign of San Lorenzo Park

1st letter SLR Park Redesign  – 1st letter about the proposed redesign of San Lorenzo Park

Laurel Street Bridge – letter about the impact of pipe project at Laurel Street bridge on the Cliff Swallow nesting colony.

Wharf Master Plan Letter– Letter concerning the proposed modifications to the Santa Cruz Wharf

SCBC Stadium Lighting – Statement on Stadium Lighting proposal sent to Live Oak School District Governing Board

College Lake DEIR Response – Statement in response to DEIR sent to Pajaro Valley Water Agency

AB 1788 – Statement in support sent by SCBC to Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee

HR919 – Letter sent by SCBC to Congressman Jimmy Panetta concerning House Bill HR 919 to require bird friendly building design.

UCSC east field letter – Letter sent by SCBC concerning UCSC plan for building housing on the East Meadow

Student Housing East Meadow Project DEIR from the club on the proposal above.

anticoagulantSantaCruzBirdClub – Letter sent by SCBC concerning AB2422 – banning use of anti-coagulant poisons

Tree removal – Letter sent by SCBC concerning tree removal at Memorial Park

Ron Powers DEIR –  SCBC submitted comments on DEIR for Downtown Recovery Plan to City Planning Dept.

SCBC Jan. 31st, 2018 signed on to the American Bird Conservation initiated letter to strengthen the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

comments – final comments from the club on the draft Parks Masterplan

SB49 – Letter to Senator Bill Monning on proposed bill SB49

San Lorenzo Flood Control – Letter concerning vegetation removal along the San Lorenzo levees.

drones – Letter concerning drones use in State Parks.

Wharf Masterplan: SC Wharf Master Mitigated Negative Declaration/ Initial Study

City of Santa Cruz Parks Master Plan 2030. The draft for public review:

Conservation Calendar


The Environteers Weekly Update publicizes the educational and volunteer activities of all of our local environmental groups as well as those of several state and national groups. The Update always has beautiful photos, fascinating & informative articles, compelling action items, good news, and it’s free! Subscribe on their website.

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