- Write a brief description of the trip that includes the following: location, start time, meeting place directions, a few birds likely to be seen, walking distance and trail conditions, whether parking or entrance fees are charged, and whether spotting scopes would be useful.
- Ensure you arrive at the meeting location on time. Gather the group and introduce yourself. Be welcoming. Consider asking participants to share their name if it is a small group. Let participants know the plan for the trip and how long it will last. Encourage participants to join the SCBC, if not already members.
- Before beginning the trip, wait for about 10 minutes at the meeting location for any latecomers.
- During the field trip, invite participants to point out birds, suggest identifications, and ask questions.
- While many trip leaders are experts at identification and spotting birds, this is not necessary. Your role is to facilitate a good birding experience for everyone.
- Try to keep the group together as much as possible during the field trip.
- Try to ensure that each participant has an opportunity to see notable birds. If needed, remind participants to take brief turns while observing through a shared spotting scope until everyone has had a chance to see the bird.
- Always prioritize the safety of participants. Exercise great caution when leading a group on or across roadways or difficult trail sections.