Field Trips and Meetings

  • Elkhorn Ranch (Private property, access is limited to private tours)

    February 22, 2025  9:00 am - 12:30 pm
    1957 Hwy 1, Moss Landing

    This walk is for Bird Club Members only. 
    Description:  Elkhorn Ranch is a private ranch along the North side of the Elkhorn Slough and includes extensive pastures with horses and cattle. Expect to see a large number of avian species and be prepared for some walking!
    Large fresh water ponds host a wide variety of wintering water fowl, a robust number of raptors, winter and resident wading birds, including Rails, Sora and Black-necked Stilts. Golden Eagles and Shrikes have been seen regularly.
    A surprise awaits us each day. If you've ever driven by the Slough and wanted to bird this location across from Moon Glow Ranch, now is your chance.

    Directions:  meet at 9:00 AM at the end of the ranch road off of Highway 1. The road is on the East side of Hwy 1, across from the 76 station and Army Surplus Station. (1957 Hwy 1.)
    Continue on road about one mile past strawberry fields and cows pastures, to dead end at a house and barn. (bathroom available).
    Hosted by Robert Stephens and Lisa Sheridan
    Call 831-332-3785 or 831-234-2818 for direction help or concerns.
    Light rain does not cancel

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  • Quail Hollow

    February 24, 2025  9:00 am - 11:30 am
    Quail Hollow Ranch County Park, 800 Quail Hollow Rd, Felton, CA 95018, USA

    The usual. Meet at main lot, walk Discovery Loop. White-breasted Nuthatch often heard and seen.
    Lead by Paul Miller

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  • SCBC Meeting - Norman Kikuchi, Birds of Alaska

    February 27, 2025  7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
    Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History, 1305 E Cliff Dr, Santa Cruz, CA 95062, USA

    Norman Kikuchi has been fortunate to visit the Great Land almost annually for the last 20 years, each visit yielding wonderful and unexpected experiences. His presentation will feature his photos from Nome on the Seward Peninsula, St. Paul Island in the Bering Sea, Barrow on the North Slope, the Dalton highway and Homer on the Kenai Peninsula.

    We look forward to seeing you there.

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  • Wilder Ranch State Park

    March 4, 2025  8:00 am - 11:00 am
    Wilder Ranch State Park, 1401 Coast Rd, Santa Cruz, CA 95060, USA

    The varied habitats of this park hold a good variety of birds and other wildlife. We will check along the coast for returning loons, grebes, and scoters. Expect a few miles of mostly easy walking.

    Directions: Meet at 8:00 AM in the main parking lot. If you have a state park pass, please bring it, otherwise bring $10 for an entrance fee.

    Leader: Nick Levendosky

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  • Antonelli Pond & Homeless Garden

    March 8, 2025  8:00 am - 11:00 am
    Delaware Ave and Shaffer Road, Santa Cruz

    We'll start by walking the west side of the pond looking for passerines and ducks. From here, we will visit the Homeless Garden and check on lingering winter sparrows, blackbirds, and whatever other surprises we may find.

    Directions: Meet a 8:00 AM on the west side of the pond at Delaware Avenue.

    Leader: Elisabeth Foster

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  • Upper Struve Slough

    March 18, 2025  8:30 am - 11:30 am
    Struve Slough, California, USA

    This is an easy 1 3/4 mile walk on gravel paths. We will walk along upper Struve Slough and check out the several new seasonal ponds/catch basins installed by the Watsonville Wetlands Watch. Directions: Take the Main Street. (Rte 152) exit to Watsonville. At the second light, turn left into the Watsonville Square Shopping Center. Take an immediate right to drive past the Bagel Cafe (which will be on your left) and down the hill behind it. We will meet in the parking area near the Body Zone Fitness Club.

    Leader: Larry Corridon

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  • Bird Appreciation Nature Journaling

    March 23, 2025  2:00 pm - 4:30 pm

    Appreciating Birds Through Nature Journaling.

    Contact or 831-818-8109 to register. Group limited to the first 10 who register. No charge. Children over 8 years old welcome to register. No art experience required. This class is about observing, being curious and getting creative with birds. Bring pprox 6x8 inches unlined multi-purpose notebook, pencil, 08 Micron pen, colored pencils and /or markers.

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  • Quail Hollow

    March 24, 2025  9:00 am - 11:30 pm
    Quail Hollow Ranch County Park, 800 Quail Hollow Rd, Felton, CA 95018, USA

    The usual. Meet at main lot, walk Discovery Loop. White-breasted Nuthatch often heard and seen.
    Leader: Paul Miller

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  • Taxidermy Demonstration and Bird Specimen collection UCSC Tour Kenneth Norris Center.

    April 5, 2025  9:30 am - 11:30 am

    Santa Cruz Bird Club members are invited to a free tour of UC Santa Cruz’s Norris Center bird specimen collection and a demonstration of taxidermy techniques.

    Natural history instructor Breck Tyler will talk about bird families, bird “topography,” and the role of natural history collections in education and conservation. Maria Fernanda Viveros will demonstrate the way that bird “skins” are prepared and talk about how the Norris Center engages students and the community in its efforts to promote natural history education.
    Space is limited and Santa Cruz Bird Club members have pre-registration priority. Please use this form to register by Friday, March 21.
    Free parking is available at UCSC’s Core West Parking Structure, a short walk from the Norris Center, which is located in the Natural Sciences II building. Accommodations for mobility limitations are available.
    Additional details and parking/walking directions will be sent via email upon registration. Questions? Contact us at
    Learn more about UCSC's Norris Center for Natural History and the Friends of the Norris Center

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