SCBC Meeting - Bruce Lyon, The Gray-crowned Rosy-finches of St. Paul Island Alaska
March 27, 2025 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History, 1305 E Cliff Dr, Santa Cruz, CA 95062, USAJoin Professor Bruce Lyon of UCSC’s Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Department as he shares what’s been learned so far from banding and behavioral studies of Gray-crowned Rosy-finches, one of the resident songbirds on one of the Pribilof Islands in the Bering Sea. He will introduce the island, its people, and its history before describing the ongoing research on the finches. Rosy finches remain one of the most poorly studied group of birds in North America due to their remote alpine breeding habitat and inaccessible nests. On St. Paul Island, however, the birds are abundant, tame, and at double the body size of mainland finches they are examples of an island giant.
Ponderosa Lodge Trail
March 28, 2025 8:30 am - 11:30 am
3650 Graham Hill Rd, Felton, CA 95018, USAWe will walk into the Ponderosa Lodge area and look for the regular species, focusing on songs and calls. We also hope to find a Pileated Woodpecker, but no guarantees. Meet at Juvenile Hall parking lot, 3650 Graham Hill Rd.
Leader: Paul Miller
Zayante Trail
April 1, 2025 8:30 am - 11:30 am
https://maps.app.goo.gl/NDrw9NTFbpxqXufcAWe will visit the Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park along the Zayante Creek Trail, then past the meadow, to the ponds at Roaring Camp, and back.
Directions: Park across the street, along Roaring Camp Rd, here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/NDrw9NTFbpxqXufcA but meet at the Zayante Trail, next to the entrance to San Lorenzo Lumber.
Leader: Paul Miller
Glenwood Preserve East
April 4, 2025 8:30 am - 11:00 am
https://maps.app.goo.gl/55uVAGuzhYrUcyXJAThis will be an easy 2-ish mile loop through the grasslands and oak woodland of the preserve with a stop at the pond. Possible Golden Eagles. No bathrooms available. Directions: Meet at the Parking area for Glenwood East, just south of the Shugart park walkway
Leader: Paul Miller
Taxidermy Demonstration and Bird Specimen collection UCSC Tour Kenneth Norris Center.
April 5, 2025 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Santa Cruz Bird Club members are invited to a free tour of UC Santa Cruz’s Norris Center bird specimen collection and a demonstration of taxidermy techniques.
Pre-register!Natural history instructor Breck Tyler will talk about bird families, bird “topography,” and the role of natural history collections in education and conservation. Maria Fernanda Viveros will demonstrate the way that bird “skins” are prepared and talk about how the Norris Center engages students and the community in its efforts to promote natural history education.
Space is limited and Santa Cruz Bird Club members have pre-registration priority. Please use this form to register by Friday, March 21.
Free parking is available at UCSC’s Core West Parking Structure, a short walk from the Norris Center, which is located in the Natural Sciences II building. Accommodations for mobility limitations are available.
Additional details and parking/walking directions will be sent via email upon registration. Questions? Contact us at fnc@ucsc.edu.
Learn more about UCSC's Norris Center for Natural History and the Friends of the Norris Centerhttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf5SGJ7UnYqT4GaCUciUSTIcxdQ7RzrVp-q-y3gLY5VPw6tDQ/viewform
Quail Hollow
April 7, 2025 8:30 am - 11:00 am
Quail Hollow Ranch County Park, 800 Quail Hollow Rd, Felton, CA 95018Meet at the main parking lot, walk Discovery Loop as well as scoping the pond. White-breasted Nuthatch often heard and seen. We'll continue up the trail if time allows. Outdoor bathroom available.
Leader: Paul Miller
Ponderosa Lodge Trail
April 10, 2025 8:30 am - 11:30 am
3650 Graham Hill Rd, Felton, CA 95018We will walk into the Ponderosa Lodge area and look for the regular species, focusing on songs and calls. We also hope to find a Pileated Woodpecker, but no guarantees. Meet at Juvenile Hall parking lot, 3650 Graham Hill Rd.
Leader: Paul Miller
Manresa Uplands Campground
April 16, 2025 8:00 am - 10:00 am
36°54'58.3"N 121°49'54.7"WThis is a great place to bird before the camping begins in May! I hope to find great breeding bird activity from raptors to Bushtits. Meet at the end of Zils Road off San Andreas Road.
Leader: Lisa Larson
Beginning Birding at Natural Bridges
April 19, 2025 8:00 am - 11:00 am
Natural Bridges State Beach, 2531 W Cliff Dr, Santa Cruz, CA 95060, USAA beginners bird walk. We will start with a look at the ocean for seabirds migrating North, then will walk the trails looking for newly arrived summer breeding birds and local residents. Mostly easy walking for about a mile.
SCBC Meeting - Nest Box Monitoring, Bethany Kilzer & Clive Bagshaw
April 24, 2025 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History, 1305 E Cliff Dr, Santa Cruz, CA 95062, USAClive Bagshaw, who monitors nest boxes at the UCSC Arboretum, and Bethany Kilzer, who monitors others at West Glenwood Open Space Preserve, will give a joint presentation on their respective monitoring programs, which will include some history and impact of the nest boxes, plus photos and videos of the bird species that use the nest boxes.