President | Lisa Sheridan |
Programs | Barbara Banfield |
Field Trips | June Langhoff |
Conservation | Jane Orbuch |
Hospitality | Ann Chandler |
Outreach | |
Membership | Bob Meads |
Secretary | Larry Corridon |
Treasurer | Stephanie Singer |
Bird Records | Alex Rinkert |
Albatross Editor | Debbie Diersch |
Webmaster | Phil Brown |
Historian | Elisabeth Foster |
Officers Manual
The following list of Officers duties was approved at the Governing Body meeting of February 4th, 2017.
- Call and preside at all meetings of the club and governing Body.
- Prepare an agenda for all meetings of the governing body, as needed.
- Arrange the time and place for governing body meetings.
- Appoint all committees, except as otherwise provided in the bylaws.
- Be an ex-officio member of each committee, except the Nominating Committee.
- Be the official representative of the club in response to inquires from the public and media.
- At his or her discretion, select one or more club member(s) who have served beyond the call of duty in the club’s behalf. Bestow the club’s Special Service Award upon that member at the club’s Annual Dinner or other suitable event if the dinner is not held.
- Approve or disapprove unbudgeted expenditures, in consultation with the the Treasurer.
- Designate an officer, in addition to the Treasurer, to be a signer of club checks.
- Sign letters representing the bird club or appoint someone if not available to sign the letter.
- Encourage cooperative and individual efforts by Board Members which promote and encourage the following purpose of the bird club:
- Sec. 1 The primary purpose of the club is to unite those who have a common interest in wild birds, that they may better study and conserve them.
- Sec. 2 A secondary purpose of the club is to promote good fellowship among bird lovers and provide social activity for them.
- Arrange for speakers for regular club meetings and the annual dinner. Provide speakers with directions to meeting locations and other information as needed.
- Arrange the location of monthly club meetings. If the location for the Club’s regularly scheduled meeting is not available on a certain date (e. g. , Thanksgiving) , arrange for a new date and inform the Newsletter Editor and President of the change .
- Choose a date for the annual dinner.
- Introduce the speaker at each month’s meeting and the annual dinner, or arrange for another person to do so.
- Arrange for P. A. system or other presentation equipment (e. g., slide projector, screen) to be available as needed.
- Submit information to the Newsletter Editor about speakers and programs scheduled for upcoming meetings and the annual dinner. Include some information about the program and/or speaker for the Newsletter Editor to use as copy.
- Assume the duties of the President in their absence.
- Organize field trips in a fashion to provide regular club outings:
- Contact potential field trip leaders bimonthly, requesting field trip descriptions and dates.
- Inform trip leaders of due dates for submitting their trip descriptions to the Field Trip Director.
- Consolidate and email the list of upcoming trips to the Newsletter Editor by the predetermined deadline.
- Update and maintain online calendar of field trips.
- Ensure leaders are educated on their responsibilities while leading field trips.
- Announce, or provide for an alternate person, to announce upcoming field trips at club meetings.
- Email monthly updates to club members regarding upcoming field trips using the bulk email service.
- Identify and encourage new potential leaders, to provide a diversity of field trips, while keeping an adequate pool of field trip leaders.
- Maintain a database of user demographics to better track participation on field trips (i.e. members / non-members; field trip locations; participant numbers, etc.).
- Assume the duties of the President in the absence of both the President and the First Vice President.
- Deposit checks made to the Santa Cruz Bird Club in the Club’s checking account.
- Coordinate with the Webmaster to ensure membership dues and other moneys received in the Club’s PayPal account are transferred to the club’s checking account.
- Maintain other accounts that may be established by the Club.
- Be one of the authorized signers of checks and other financial documents.
- Pay all authorized bills acquired by the club.
- Reimburse members for authorized expenses paid with their own money.
- Be responsible for providing the honoraria for speakers at club meetings.
- Collect money and maintain a list of those who make reservations for the Annual Dinner.
- Regularly reconcile the club accounts.
- Assist with preparing the annual budget.
- Keep a record of expenses against the budgeted amount in each budget category.
- Consult with the President with regard to authorization of unbudgeted expenses.
- Provide all records for an annual audit. Prior to any audit the Treasurer shall obtain inventories from any officers who may be maintaining T-shirts, patches or other assets of the Club.
- File with the appropriate government agencies all required financial documents.
- Report on the Club’s financial status at each meeting of the Governing Body.
- Have available at Club meetings relevant financial information for members who are interested.
- Keep all financial records (bills, canceled checks, bank statements, correspondence on financial matters, etc.) for four (4) years.
- Hold one of the two keys to the Post Office Box. Collect the mail in the absence of the Membership Chairperson.
- Keep minutes of action items and important announcements at Club meetings.
- Keep minutes of Governing Body meetings .
- Distribute minutes of the Governing Body to the Officers at least a week prior to the next Governing Body meeting. If possible, distribute these minutes within 2 weeks following a Governing Body meeting.
- At the end of the Bird Club’s year, give minutes of Club meetings to Historian for inclusion in the History notebook.
- Conduct correspondence as directed by the Governing Body or the President.
- Publish 5 issues of the newsletter in a timely manner within budget and in consideration of content priorities.
- Priorities for including content:
- Material that is received by the deadline.
- The Club Calendar
- Santa Cruz Birds
- Edit submitted text.
- Be responsible for the publication, layout and printing of the Newsletter. Generate both print and digital formats. Duties include: collection and outreach, research, and gathering and editing of content, layout and formatting layout, color correction/optimization of photos, graphics (creating illustrations – optional), print coordination, press checks, labeling (I get the mailing labels from the Membership Officer), distribution as bulk mailing, and turning extras over to Membership Officer.
- Set submission deadlines that take into consideration preparation, mailing and printing time.
- If any issue exceeds budget and changing the paper quality cannot bring the cost of the issue within budget, the number of pages should be cut. This should be discussed with the Governing Body at its next regular meeting.
- Editor signs for the printing and mailing, and invoices are billed to the Treasurer. (We have an established account with Community Printers and the U.S.P.S.)
- Provide assistance as needed with other Club publications.
- Maintain files of graphics and illustrations to be handed over to subsequent editors.
- Submit announcements of club field trips, meetings, annual dinner and other public functions to local newspapers and radio stations .
- Submit announcements of special functions, such as the annual dinner, to the newsletters of the Santa Cruz Museum Association and at least the following Audubon Society chapters: Sequoia, Santa Clara Valley, and Monterey.
- Announcements of club functions should include the time, place, cost, if any, and a telephone number of contact person, as needed.
- Provide additional information about club functions to local media, as needed.
- Post information important to conservation issues in Albatross Newsletter, SCBC Web site under ‘Conservation’, Bird Club e-mailer, SCBC Facebook page and handouts at meetings.
- The Conservation Officer attends public hearings and meetings relevant to conservation issues and provide comments on the Club’s behalf, after receiving approval of the comments by the President.
- Encourage members attendance at local and regional meetings regarding issues of importance to conservation.
- Appoint his or her Conservation committee of an appropriate number of members.
- Work with the Conservation committee as feasible to stay abreast of private development proposals and government actions affecting Santa Cruz County bird habitat.
- The Conservation Officer, or other Conservation Committee member, shall serve on public committees on the Club’s behalf, as needed and feasible.
- To the extent feasible, obtain public Environmental Impact Review documents for projects which affect birds in Santa Cruz County. Review the EIRs and prepare comment letters with Board Members input for the President’s signature.
- Make certain his/her name and address is on the AMBAG Clearinghouse mailing list.
- Annually, present to the Board a list of proposed areas of focus.
- Maintain a computerized roster of Club members, to include the bulk email list.
- Print computerized mailing labels for Club mailings upon request.
- Annually provide a membership roster for Officers.
- Provide information about the Club to potential new members who request it.
- Send a reminder to members who have not paid their dues by July of each year.
- Hold one of the P.0. Box keys. Pick up & process Club mail at the Post Office.
- Receive and record annual dues.
- Give checks and cash for dues to the Treasurer.
- Send bulk emails to members, in accordance with guidelines set by the Board.
- Make certain name, address, and phone number is on file with Volunteer lists of all county school districts.
- Upon request of teachers, make slide presentations to school classes. Allow time in the presentations for questions, answers and discussions.
- Upon request of teachers, conduct field trips to appropriate sites for studying birds.
- As needed, recruit additional individuals to make presentations and conduct field trips.
- The number of presentations and field trips is at the discretion of the Director.
- Answer telephone inquiries from the public regarding general information about birds.
- Provide refreshments at all regular club meetings.
- Greet people as they enter all regular club meetings. Provide a sign-in sheet at the door at regular meetings, the annual dinner, and the Christmas Bird Count Countdown dinner. Keep the sign-up sheets only as long as they are of value.
- Be responsible for all arrangements for the Annual Dinner including:
- Arranging a location.
- Arranging for a caterer.
- Providing drinks, glasses, napkins and snacks at the hospitality table.
- Decorating tables and the room.
- Arranging for door prizes and/or the raffle.
- Arranging for someone to take tickets and/or check off names of those who have reserved a place .
- Keeping a complete record, including costs, of all items purchased for the dinner .
- Reporting all costs to the Treasurer.
- Recruiting volunteers as needed
- Be responsible for the Annual Picnic including:
- Arranging for an appropriate location.
- Coordinating arrangements with the host.
- Providing punch and cups
- Providing briquettes
- Providing other equipment as needed.
- Be responsible for the Christmas Bird Count Countdown dinner including:
- In conjunction with the Bird Count compiler, arranging a location.
- Circulate a sign-up sheet at the October and November Club meetings for members to state what they will bring.
- Arranging for individuals to bring food if not enough sign up.
- Arranging for setup and take down of tables, as needed .
- Arranging the buffet table.
- Providing snacks, drinks, plates, napkins, cups for the Hospitality table. Hospitality table costs are to be kept within budget.
- Providing dishes and utensils as needed.
- Making certain kitchen is cleaned up before leaving .
- Get information about the summer picnic, Countdown Dinner and Annual Dinner to Albatross editor by the appropriate deadlines :
- Picnic: May/June and September/October issue.
- Countdown dinner: November/December issue.
- Annual Dinner: January/February issue
- Keep an annual electronic folder on a USB flash drive and the Club’s Google Drive that includes:
- Membership roster
- One electronic copy of all issues of the Albatross.
- Appropriate articles from newspapers, newsletters, and other formal communications relating to the Club, Club members, or birds in Santa Cruz County.
- A selection of photographs of members and events.
- Agendas of Governing Body meetings
- Minutes of Governing Body and Club meetings. These are to be added at the end of the Club’s year after the Secretary is finished with them.
- The annual budget.
- The results of the annual audit.
- Letters and statements written by the Club on conservation issues.
- Other letters and statements the President deems should be archived.
- A list of past Officers.
- Any other material the Historian deems should be archived.
- Maintain a secondary archive of paper copies of the Albatross, paper copies of landmark articles, old scrapbooks with hand written annotations, and any material that cannot be stored electronically.
- Maintain appropriate files of observations of birds in Santa Cruz County. Sources of such information which should be regularly checked include the MBB Listserver, eBird, direct reports from observers, and occasional other sources. Archive documentation of noteworthy observations and relevant written material received from observers. To the extent possible, examine and assess bird reports to ensure their accuracy. Records which are of particular interest include (but are not limited to):
- Rare, out-of-place, out-of season, and otherwise unusual bird occurrences.
- Unusual trends in local bird populations, both temporary and long-term.
- Changes in the population, range, or breeding status of local bird species.
- Noteworthy breeding records.
- Obtain and archive published and unpublished reports pertaining to birds in Santa Cruz County.
- Prepare and submit regular summaries of Santa Cruz County bird sightings for publication in the Club newsletter, The Albatross .
- Prepare quarterly summaries of bird sightings in Santa Cruz County and submit to the Middle Pacific Coast Regional editors of North American Birds or its equivalent.
- Respond to public and governmental inquiries for information contained in the Club’s bird records, as appropriate.
- Enlist assistance of other Club members to complete the above duties, as needed .
- Maintain the Club website. This will include regular updates for Club meetings, conservation issues and occasional announcements. Make any updates as needed for the information kept on the Club website such as Club Bylaws, current Club Officers/Officers duties etc.
- Ensure that the dues for Club website and any associated domains are paid. If applicable these dues may be paid via Paypal from the Club Paypal account with the prior approval of the Club Treasurer.
- Maintain the Club Paypal account which enables membership dues to be paid online.
- Coordinate with the Club Treasurer to ensure that money deposited in the Paypal account from online membership dues gets transferred to the Club bank account.
- Maintain the Club email account including forwarding of emails to the appropriate officers where applicable.
- Maintain the Club online calendars. Currently there are two, one for Field Trips and one for Conservation issues. The main requirement here is to add or remove permissions for Officers to change these calendars as appropriate.
- Provide copies of all relevant passwords to the Club President and other officers as needed.
- Be one of the authorized signers of checks and other financial documents.